Kingsbury Animal Hospital

420 North Skinker Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63130


Wellness Exams (Puppies/Kittens to Seniors)
Wellness visits are an overall assessment of your pet's health which can include a fecal test, blood test and vaccinations. Vaccinations are the best weapon against many viral and bacterial infections. We believe in vaccinating your pet according to your pet’s needs based on age, health status, environment and lifestyle.  Our vets recommend that your pet comes in for an exam at least once a year. Pets over 10 years old might need more frequent visits. For puppies and kittens still needing their initial vaccinations, more frequent visits are necessary. Depending on age, it takes 3 to 4 visits to complete all initial vaccines. Vaccinations typically start at 6-8 weeks old, and the vaccination series is completed around 16 weeks old.

Cats in Exam

Standard Vaccinations:

  • Dogs: DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus.), Leptospirosis & Rabies
    • Daycare/boarding facilities and grooming shops can require additional vaccines, please check their requirements.
  • Cats: FVRCP (feline viral rhinotracheitis, calicivirus and panleukopenia/FEL distemper) & Rabies

 Click here for more information on what to expect at a routine exam.

An average visit can cost between $60-$300, depending on your pet's needs. An estimate will be provided upon request. 

Each year thousands of pets go missing. Microchipping your pet is an easy and effective way to help them find their way back home. Microchips are no bigger than a grain of rice and are inserted under your pet's skin between the shoulder blades. When the microchip is scanned, an id number appears and can be searched by listing company. It is extremely important to keep your information (name, address, phone number) attached to that listing up-to-date.