If you believe your pet has ingested something toxic please call us at the clinic at 314-721-6251. If this takes place after business hours and depending on the item you may still need to call poison control. Animal Poison Control APCC is your best resource for any animal poison-related emergency, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you think that your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, make the call that can make all the difference: (888) 426-4435. A $65 consultation fee may be applied to your credit card. ASPCA Animal Poison Control This is the website of the Animal Poison Control Center. It includes links to lists of plants, foods, and household products that can be toxic to you pets. It also includes and phone numbers for the poison control center. AVOID Food Items That Could Cause Problems For Your Pet
MEDICATIONS Keep all prescriptions and over-the-counter drugs out of the reach of your pets, preferably in closed cabinets. Pain killers, cold medicines, anticancer, drugs, antidepressants, vitamins, and diet pills are common examples of human medication that could be potentially lethal even in small dosages. One regular strength ibuprofen tablet (200mg) can cause stomach ulcers in a 10-pound dog. Remind holiday guests to store their medications safely as well. During the holidays, we will be having some limited office hours. In some cases, you may try to medicate your animals without our veterinarian's advice. Never give your animal any medications unless under the directions of a veterinarian. Many medications that are used safely in humans can be deadly when used inappropriately. Less than one regular strength acetaminophen tablet (325mg) can be dangerous to a cat weighing 7lbs. IF NECESSARY - YOU CAN REACH THE PET POISON HELPLINE AT 800-213-6680 |