Kingsbury Animal Hospital

420 North Skinker Blvd.
Saint Louis, MO 63130


Pet Nutrition

This section includes links to notable nutritional companies as well as some recipes for making your own pet treats.

Information about the each of the companies we carry in house and their Prescription Diet foods and general pet nutrition.

Porter Pet Pals Nutrition Services- 

Helen Porter, Clinical Dietitian & Animal Nutrition Specialist
Clinical Dietitian for 30 years
MS in Animal Science
Exotic and small animal consultation experience
Problem Assessment, Environmental Evaluations, Treatment Plans, Education
Phone:  636-394-2632
Fax:  636-527-6093
Address:  1143 Fairview Drive, Ellisville, MO 63011

Homemade Treats using Prescription Food

Grind the kibbles into a flour using a blender and mix with enough water to form dough.  Shape into "cookies" and bake them on a cookie sheet in the oven for approximately thirty minutes at 350 degrees or until crispy.

All homemade treats need to be stored in the refrigerator no longer than five to seven days to maintain their freshness and prevent spoilage.

As you know, it is very important for your pets to stay strictly on the prescribed diet and this will allow them to feel special and spoiled.

These homemade treats should not exceed 5% of your pets' total daily intake as baking the treats does alter the nutritional characteristics of the diet.